How I Can Help You
My "HR Toolbox" has innovative tools that can improve every aspect of your talent management practices. I'm confident that they, along with my experience and get-it-done business sense, will get your company far, fast and cost-effectively.
Why? Because I built a career on driving real change in business and business culture - repeatedly, and when it was decidedly not "OK to fail." Here are just a few examples of when and how:
When a company was having at least two recordable injuries a month, I led a change in the safety culture that drove the incident rate from 19.2 to 2.1 in less than two years.
When a company President was reassigned to another business unit, I was charged with overseeing execution of our strategic plan. Despite the onset of the great recession, we still achieved double-digit cost reductions while increasing sales almost 5%.
When a company was in danger of failing to meet a customer deadline for a quality certification audit, I energized the team, created a new implementation plan, and led the execution. We got it done on time and with compliments.
Contact me to discuss how I can bring the benefits below to your organization:
Rewarding Your Team
Developing Your Team
Supporting Your Team
Building Your Team
Setting the Ground Rules
Rewarding Your Team
Pay for Performance (Really)
My unique pay increase model will help you rationally reward your employees for performance, in a way your leaders can explain, and your employees can trust.
I developed this when a company was facing loss of key talent due to pay increase budget constraints. Not only did we stay within budget while delivering good increases to keep the key talent, we all but eliminated the usual complaints that accompanied increase periods - because we could explain them. And it was all tied to measurable
Developing Your Team
Developing Leaders
I help learners apply classroom lessons by leading real-world improvements in your organization.
One class decided to tackle their company’s biggest scrap problem. They estimated they’d need a year – but they so successfully energized the workforce, and created and executed such a good plan, that they cut scrap by 70% in only two months.
Performance Appraisals That Perform
My unique approach will help your leaders have meaningful performance discussions with employees and can help your employees achieve their career goals.
I developed my own approach to appraisals and performance management because so much else of what I’ve seen was vague, subjective, and fostered useless arguments about ratings rather than constructive dialogue about performance and career goals. My approach has been embraced by managers, employees, and leadership wherever its been used. It also allows for data-driven workforce analysis, and feeds into my pay for performance (really) model.
Learning & Development
I can coach, train, and mentor your team on a range of HR, management, and leadership skills to help them drive real business success.
Leadership wisdom says that a leader’s most important job is to prepare his/her own replacement. I’ve twice hired talented people with minimal HR experience and helped them grow into my own successors. I’ve also mentored peers, and my training programs have improved quality of hires and helped managers develop their teams, among several other topics. They work because I apply adult learning principles and lively interaction rather than droning on in front of slideshows. Participants don’t leave my programs with binders of slides that they’ll never refer to: I condense all of my key points into clear, useable reference sheets.
Growing the Future
Research shows that growing your talent is more cost-effective, and yields better long-term results, than hiring “stars.” I can help you recognize your strong and emerging talent, systematically prepare these people for key future roles, and manage their growth.
Leadership teams whom I’ve taken through this process have quickly recognized the value of strategically identifying both the key players and the talent gaps. On several occasions, organizations have saved promising people who were about to leave, because the additional investment of attention (not necessarily money) showed them they had a real future with the company. Organizations also value seeing where they need to fill current or emerging gaps in critical skills.
Supporting Your Team
Employee Problem Guidance
Not only will I help you stay out of legal trouble: I’ll help you solve your employee problems and strengthen relationships.
I’ve been surprised at the problem children whom we could turn around with this approach. But when that fails and termination is the only option, I know how to protect employers from potential legal challenges, and how to prevail in an unnecessary unemployment compensation claim.
HR Technology Help
I can help you identify and implement the HR technology solution that’s right for your organization and your budget.
I have implemented this kind of technology, migrated solutions, and even built my own HR solution from scratch. I know the cutting edge of this technology, and when organizations shouldn’t invest in it.
Training Needs Assessment
I can help you define and manage the knowledge requirements for your employees, so you and your customers can know that your people are qualified to do their jobs.
This is a daunting task for many employers of any size. I’ve developed a process that not only completes the job in a reasonable amount of time, but also makes it manageable to revisit and update periodically.
Building Your Team
Recruiting Right
I can help you develop and implement a strategy for getting your kind of people into your organization (and it doesn’t take a big budget).
I once recruited replacements for an entire management team that went on to nearly double a business’ sales in two years, (while also saving the company about $130,000 in salary negotiations). I know the tools and techniques that work and those that are a waste of time.
Hiring Right
My hiring techniques will help you weed out the misfits to help you hire the right fits.
Here’s my secret to making good hires: figure out up front what you really want, and weed out those who won’t give it to you. Many companies don’t do either well, which is why their hiring process misfires so often. One business unit that applied my techniques hired the staff that allowed them to grow their revenue by 75% with no voluntary turnover in the following two years.
Onboarding Right
Once you’ve hired the right people, I can help you get them off to the right start, so they feel good right away about being part of your team.
Research shows that employees with good initial experience at a company but a bad work experience are still more likely to remain with that employer than employees with a bad initial experience but a good work experience. One business that implemented my approach to onboarding saw its retention of first year hires improve by almost 40%.
Setting the Ground Rules
Regulatory Compliance
I can help you find and close the legal holes in your HR practices. Along the way, I can help you find more effective ways of administering your human resources processes.
Most companies look at employment law compliance as an annoying pain in the tail. I approach it is a chance for an employer to demonstrate to its employees that they work for a company committed to protecting their rights, and to set a standard for professionalism that the customer-facing parts of the business can emulate.
Contact me to discuss how I can bring the benefits below to your organization: